Monday, May 18, 2009

quick updates

am :-)

He's been good
So good
Too good!

i feel loved. loved. and loved.

Sbab hari ini, Tuhan adakan.. syukur bagiMu

ah, 1 more thing.

i see "light".
it's in my heart.
it tells me about many things
prayer, hope, wish, and faithfulness.
it feels warm, it soothes
and i can't stop smiling...

i see "light"
and i.. like what i see :-))

Thank You God :-)


  1. oh ya, untuk "can't stop smiling", coba kadang2 distop, sebelom diringkus sama petugas medis, hehehe...

    untuk orang "jenis" u, postingan ini agak nyeremin, hihihi... tapi bagus :)


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