Thursday, April 21, 2011

Lemah iman.

Sexy wrinkles (esp. around eyes), thin lips, a bit facial hair, and a friendly smile..
Lemah iman niiiihhhh!

"Hai sayang.." ♥♥
akh, akang christian.. aku padamu selalu, kang!

"Eih bok, kok lambreta sih yey tinta krimbattt.."
 Maap yah mas Orlando, situ ganteng tapi udah liwat masanya...

 And meet my newest eyecandy! ♥♥

It's Joseph Gordon-Levitt!
I kinda noticed he was this cute boy on 10 things i hate about you, my fave movie back in my teenage days - i could  play the soundtracks again, again and again and again!

"Eih neng manis abang sayang, ngikut abang keliling ibukota nyoo~"

Harus diakui di film ini dia masih culun sekali, apalagi ada Heath Ledger kan (yang jadi pasangannya si Julia Stiles), tapi walopun dulu menurut gue ini cowo memang culun sekali, tapi manis dan kiyut juga... hm hm hm...

And I was seriously surprised, seeing him again on Inception!
I skipped 500 Days of Summers, I know - will catch it up later :D

Liat dooong, rambut klimisnya... MATI JANGAN?!
Gue biasanya males liat cowo rambut begini.. but he's an exception!

Damn, Leo, MINGGIR SEDIKIT kaliii!?!?
Bahkan pesona Mas Leo yang selama ini quite charming luntur oleh si klimis caem dibelakang situuuh...

*backsound: can i walk with youuuu~ *tomplok

Lookin' good even without gravity. He does magic.

But this spell.. seems to catch me the most.
A handsome, fine fine guy, sing along with his guitar.

I'm officially YOURS. ♥♥

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