Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My playlist

at the moment :)

1. Heard it on the radio - The Bird and The Bee
selalu mencelos deh (apa sih artinya?! pokonya mencelos lah ya.... kira2 tau gmn tapi ga tau cara mendeskripsikannya... ah, don't speak... just feel. eaaaa) denger lagu ini... tapi efek nya lebih sinting kalo pas lagi denger radio tiba-tiba diputer.... yeeeshh

2. Hey, Soul Sister - Train
Menyenangkan sekali... huhuuu

3. King of Anything - Sara Bareilles
And who cares if you disagree? / You are not me / Who made you king of anything? / So you dare tell me who to be? / Who died and made you king of anything?" -- How can you not love this song? And, it's Sara, btw. Supercool piano woman with amazing voice!

4. Bang Bang Bang - Mark Ronson
Sit. Listen. Dance. Judge. I LOVE LOVE Mark Ronson!

5. Undone - Patrick Nuo
Suka nada nya..

6. Wild Young Hearts - Noisettes
Be still, my wild young hearts! hahahaha kalo denger ini pengennya jogedan!

7. Teenage Dreams - Katy Perry
We can dance / until we die / you and i / will be young forever! -- KITTY PURRYYY MY MOTHERR (eh, ada yang aneh?)

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